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Do you think you shouldn't use a big word where a small one will suffice?
Asked by MyNewtBoobs | 81 responses -
Was this joke rude or funny (details)?
Asked by Blackberry | 43 responses -
Why are guys so confusing?
Asked by Aetori | 31 responses -
Who is the greatest female singer of all time?
Asked by saint | 16 responses -
NSFW (I hate that!) Watching the Pirelli calendar shoot - is there anything remotely as beautiful as the female body?
Asked by zensky | 23 responses -
Why would anyone be cool with labeling oneself as a bitch?
Asked by Jude | 71 responses -
I bought a chefs knife today; knives excite me and frighten me. What excites and frightens you at the same time?
Asked by rebbel | 43 responses -
If your mom or dad died, God forbid, do you want your remaining parent to find a new SO?
Asked by JLeslie | 35 responses -
What do you think your obituary will say about you?
Asked by Cruiser | 39 responses -
Which characters in movies or tv that died, would you rather have lived?
Asked by ucme | 50 responses -
It has been 5 years since my Mom died and my Dad still won't talk about her. Why?
Asked by Jude | 15 responses -
African Americans: How does it feel to come from a heritage where there were slaves in your ancestry in the U.S.A.?
Asked by whitetigress | 28 responses -
Why do I want kids so bad lately?
Asked by partyrock | 29 responses -
Have you ever traveled far away from home on your own, and if so, what was your experience?
Asked by RedmannX5 | 16 responses -
Songwriters do you write lyrics or the music first?
Asked by dreamwolf | 9 responses -
NSFW (if you want)- When and how did the phrase "So what are you wearing? " become commonplace?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 26 responses -
Do you know your identity and how did you find it? Did you always know who you are?
Asked by partyrock | 22 responses -
Well, it's been good jellies, but I've decived to delete my Fluther account. Your thoughts?
Asked by erichw1504 | 50 responses -
How fussy are you with your fridge?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 28 responses -
Ladies: What has a man said that's made you laugh?
Asked by snowberry | 16 responses -
When was the last time you ran smack up against a stereotype?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 34 responses -
What unpublished book do you want to read the most?
Asked by everephebe | 16 responses -
True or false: the best person you could talk to about your problems is a stranger?
Asked by Disc2021 | 18 responses -
Is it my fault that my parents are ignoring me?
Asked by Bart19 | 14 responses -
Do you hate who you are?
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 35 responses -
Does Quantum Physics and the mystery it suggest about the possible Universes point to a God?
Asked by philosopher | 15 responses -
What funny jokes can you come up with in the form of one or more questions?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 22 responses -
Have researchers discovered away to prevent a greater increase in Bacterial infections?
Asked by philosopher | 4 responses -
Good blues songs?
Asked by JessicaRabbit | 15 responses -
If there was a time in your life you were able to change, when was that?
Asked by comity | 15 responses -
Why do some people love to debate?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 23 responses -
Can you list songs that ask a question in the title?
Asked by HungryGuy | 16 responses -
What time is it?
Asked by HungryGuy | 12 responses -
Have you ever seen a celebrity in person that you admired?
Asked by comity | 28 responses -
Ok, what is the full-stop age?
Asked by Blueroses | 18 responses
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