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Attention Iron Chefs! What would you do with wild plum juice?
Asked by YoBob | 10 responses -
What are the best ways to prevent a cold air triggered asthma attack when outside during the winter?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 20 responses -
Cannibalism with consent; an offence?
Asked by rebbel | 24 responses -
If we encountered intelligent aliens, how might their religious beliefs affect your own?
Asked by SavoirFaire | 19 responses -
How many different people will you be buying presents for this holiday season?
Asked by harple | 22 responses -
Mistletoe: Is it right above our heads?
Asked by jazmina88 | 8 responses -
Feeling down or droopy? Need some Christmas cheer? Looking to retrain your cat?
Asked by gailcalled | 16 responses -
How long does REM sleep last?
Asked by Aethelflaed | 5 responses -
What is it with idiot drivers and four way stop intersections?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 14 responses -
Have you ever hit a deer, or what's the closest you've come to hitting one without actually hitting it?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 22 responses -
Is my heart two sizes too small?
Asked by Blueroses | 17 responses -
Waking up at 4am and can't go back to sleep! It is ruining the holiday! What to do?
Asked by Aster | 13 responses -
Shouldn't everyone be agnostic until the being responsible for creating everything makes itself finally known?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 46 responses -
What do you think of Newt Gingrich's idea to allow repatriation of profits?
Asked by ETpro | 13 responses -
What are some benefits to being single as a young woman?
Asked by LeavesNoTrace | 16 responses -
By observation alone, how do you differentiate flirting, with harmless flirting?
Asked by the_overthinker | 13 responses -
What would be a more acceptable way to say in a job interview that you resigned from the job because you can't keep a keen attention on details?
Asked by nikkiduq | 22 responses -
If you were in prison solitary confinement would you fear this?
Asked by smilingheart1 | 22 responses -
How many languages do you speak?
Asked by robdamel | 17 responses -
Should you give your kids whatever they want?
Asked by ansateza | 11 responses -
Do guys not like holding hands in public?
Asked by MilkyWay | 41 responses -
What, if anything, do you think would be an appropriate punishment for a 2nd grade teacher who told the kids that there is no Santa, and that the gifts come from their parents?
Asked by jca | 123 responses -
Given the chance, what fancy feature would you install on your bedroom ceiling?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 32 responses -
You're a college student, your holiday break is 2 weeks, what are you going to do?
Asked by the_overthinker | 14 responses -
How do you deal with someone coming back into your life?
Asked by Marchofthefox | 11 responses -
Ideas for a birthday treat for a class?
Asked by Blueroses | 11 responses -
What causes these small red bumps (sometime itchy) after running in very cold weather?
Asked by tranquilsea | 9 responses -
Can anyone give a recap of the Kingdom Hearts series up until dream drop distance?
Asked by Bryburn | 1 response -
What are your favorite toppings on pizza?
Asked by AshlynM | 36 responses -
What were your silver lining before and now?
Asked by comity | 15 responses -
Suggestions on how to get more motivated?
Asked by JessicaRabbit | 8 responses -
Isn't is ignoramic to be exclusively liberal or conservative?
Asked by ETpro | 128 responses -
Atheists, why do you not believe in a god?
Asked by leopardgecko123 | 245 responses -
If you get to name your own USS Starship, what would it be?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 38 responses -
[NSFW?] Action, and reaction, would any of it cause legal action?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 4 responses
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