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Should atheists or people of one particular religion show deference to prominent religious figures like the Pope or the Dalai Lama if they don't believe in the religious movements?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 38 responses -
Atheist how do you define/decide right and wrong since for you there is no sin?
Asked by no_one_special | 283 responses -
Advertising campaign for Jesus, what do you think of this? (Link included)
Asked by HumourMe | 77 responses -
What is your Theory of God?
Asked by Resistka | 45 responses -
What is your opinion on dating someone who does not share the same religious views as you? Specifically atheists who date theists?
Asked by nayeight | 29 responses -
Aggressive atheism promotes religious fundamentalism - What are the pros and cons of this hypothesis?
Asked by mattbrowne | 112 responses -
How would an atheist work the 12 steps of recovery?
Asked by JONESGH | 37 responses -
Is atheism often a phase?
Asked by ekans | 76 responses -
Has anyone here had any firsthand experience with satanism?
Asked by jaketheripper | 20 responses -
Anyone else bothered by Atheist orgs frequently using "reason" in their names?
Asked by Rsam | 48 responses -
Do Atheists celebrate Christmas?
Asked by filmfann | 49 responses -
Which is a better motivation for being a "good" person: believing or not believing in God?
Asked by drdoombot | 37 responses -
If you believe that there is no life after death, do you wish there was a life after death?
Asked by JLeslie | 41 responses -
Let's switch roles. Join me in this little experiment, why don't you?
Asked by Grisaille | 137 responses -
Are you "disturbed, personally" by this atheist bus advertisement?
Asked by Ivan | 135 responses -
Why should we pray to God?
Asked by Haffi112 | 92 responses -
What was the point at which you lost/gained religion?
Asked by barumonkey | 170 responses -
If science proves some belief of Christianity wrong, then Christianity will have to change - Do you agree?
Asked by mattbrowne | 131 responses -
Is something either spiritual or materialistic, or do we also have some things that come with being human?
Asked by whitenoise | 56 responses -
Although spiritual, should followers of Buddhism and Taoism be considered as Atheists because they typically do not believe in a God?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 53 responses -
Atheists... Are you worried about the new wave of Spiritualism that is sure to come as a result of worldwide economic downfall?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 48 responses -
Can we clear up the definitions of the words "atheism" and "agnosticism"?
Asked by Ivan | 60 responses -
If all atheists want is for people to quit pushing there faith on them then why use bumper stickers that specifically bash Christ.
Asked by sap82 | 69 responses -
Does the question, "Is God real?", have a specific, definitive, objective answer?
Asked by Ivan | 138 responses -
What is wrong with the bible?
Asked by pikipupiba | 261 responses