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What would you like to ask an atheist?
Asked by ETpro | 271 responses -
How can Atheists offer prayers to the Unconquered Sun?
Asked by WestRiverrat | 37 responses -
Do your beliefs really have a noticable imapact on your day to day life (see details)
Asked by Blondesjon | 176 responses -
What books can you recommend help atheists amicably discuss religion with believers.
Asked by ETpro | 223 responses -
Atheist, agnostics, would this convince you to convert and become a theist? (Details inside)
Asked by rojo | 33 responses -
Religious folk - What are the most common leading questions you get from non-believers?
Asked by rojo | 68 responses -
How many theists really believe?
Asked by ETpro | 166 responses -
How to balance responsibility with respect re: Pledge of Allegiance?
Asked by Seek | 43 responses -
Where do bad folks go when they die?
Asked by Blondesjon | 40 responses -
Should the religious enjoy immunity to excoriate non-believers in any way they wish?
Asked by ETpro | 387 responses -
What is the guide for your life?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 88 responses -
If a God type being really existed, what do you suppose it would be like?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 64 responses -
Does the following show go under theism or atheism?
Asked by flo | 35 responses -
What can atheists learn from theists and vice-versa?
Asked by flo | 159 responses -
Where are you on the Theism to Atheism scale?
Asked by ETpro | 193 responses -
A good readable history of the Bible?
Asked by basstrom188 | 8 responses -
Do atheists believe in hope?
Asked by _Whitetigress | 54 responses -
The Boston Marathon Bombing service, how would you feel if you'd been excluded because of your belief system?
Asked by ETpro | 60 responses -
Is science the new religion?
Asked by ETpro | 32 responses -
What did you think of this year's Atheist Super Bowl ad?
Asked by ETpro | 46 responses -
Care to enjoy this comedian as he "destroys" atheism with just one question?
Asked by ETpro | 17 responses -
Is one "atheistic" or "an Athiest"? And should you capitalize one of these?
Asked by josie | 21 responses -
Why are you a ____?
Asked by Seek | 82 responses -
How many people around you do you believe are essentially atheists, agnostics, or deists but fake their way through religion for social purposes?
Asked by ETpro | 33 responses -
Why do so many atheists...
Asked by Shippy | 45 responses