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Are Christians persecuted in the United States?
Asked by SuperMouse | 51 responses -
Is God evil?
Asked by LostInParadise | 47 responses -
Does being non-religious and pro-evolution contradict the edict that society cannot enjoy good conditions without the belief in a moral creator?
Asked by whiteliondreams | 20 responses -
What is your take on the "first cause" argument?
Asked by DominicX | 38 responses -
How sure do you have to be that there is no creator god before you are no longer just agnostic, you're an atheist?
Asked by ETpro | 77 responses -
Why does time "speed up" as we age?
Asked by Carol | 29 responses -
Does being an atheist limit the number of epitets you have in your arsenal?
Asked by rooeytoo | 50 responses -
How do atheists explain sentiments and natural beauty?
Asked by Mandeblind from iPhone | 38 responses -
What would morality be if religion didn't exist?
Asked by Mandeblind from iPhone | 26 responses -
Do we need to know if god exists or doesn't?
Asked by Elm1969 | 35 responses -
Why do you think atheists on Fluther ask so many theological questions?
Asked by SuperMouse | 32 responses -
Why is Atheism and Agnosticism so much more prevalent in Europe than in the Americas?
Asked by Charles | 38 responses -
Are there any atheists who are anti-gay?
Asked by Charles | 36 responses -
Can nature explain reason?
Asked by DominicX | 29 responses -
Do I deserve to be?
Asked by Blondesjon | 32 responses -
Have there been any wars that can be argued had absolutely nothing to do with religion?
Asked by RandomMrdan | 46 responses -
Why do you have faith in religion and god(s)?
Asked by RandomMrdan | 99 responses -
How are atheists' graves marked at Arlington National Cemetery?
Asked by CWOTUS | 37 responses -
Atheist, if your child found God, would you discourage them?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 80 responses -
Controversial question: Would a child "indoctrinated" to atheism instead of a religion be any different (details)?
Asked by Blackberry | 56 responses -
What historical event would mark year 0 on a secular calendar?
Asked by Neophyte | 31 responses -
Does this clarification finally put to rest the debate over whether Atheism is a religion?
Asked by ninjacolin | 81 responses -
Why do atheists think it's okay to shove their non-belief down my throat?
Asked by judochop | 206 responses -
Does the universe make atheists, or do atheists gravitate to the universe?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 22 responses -
What was your reaction to Christopher Hitchens' death?
Asked by Thammuz | 29 responses