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Why do some people get "wine lips"?
Asked by rexpresso | 6 responses -
Are pains in the head indicative of problems in those specific regions?
Asked by nebule | 10 responses -
What would happen to someone who ate a charged battery?
Asked by Zyx | 21 responses -
Why do my armpits sweat in cold weather only?
Asked by Afos22 | 12 responses -
Are strongly homologous proteins identical in function?
Asked by sandalman | 3 responses -
Is it possible to be more genetically related to an aunt than a parent?
Asked by nebule | 13 responses -
From a evolutionary standpoint, why aren't men attracted to women who are significantly taller then they are?
Asked by interweb | 29 responses -
Where can I find a (downloadable) program which contains a model of the brain with all its part's labeled?
Asked by Ame_Evil | 9 responses -
What's better: lots of reps with low weights, or fewer reps with heavier weights?
Asked by nikipedia | 7 responses -
Is sassafras carcinogenic?
Asked by lapilofu | 7 responses -
I notice that there's a common smell factor between urine and canned sausages. Any idea what it is?
Asked by rexpresso | 14 responses -
How far back can you remember in your life?
Asked by chelle21689 | 33 responses -
(Possible NSFW) Public display of gas, how does it affect you?
Asked by prolificus from iPhone | 27 responses -
Can anyone point me to some good sources on meiosis?
Asked by Whitsoxdude | 6 responses -
Are both sides of the DNA helix used for the same amino acid?
Asked by Zyx | 5 responses -
Do grown women have notably less bladder control then men?
Asked by Zyx | 32 responses -
How does a recently dead body behave?
Asked by absalom | 10 responses -
How serious is the danger of having kids after 30? How about 35? 40?
Asked by Blackberry | 11 responses -
What are these weird things in this person's eye?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 11 responses -
What are floaters?
Asked by KeithWilson | 37 responses -
Apart from monkeys or the ape family, in what other species has Down's syndrome been detected?
Asked by shalom | 12 responses -
Biology homework help?
Asked by lov3xDrnk | 21 responses -
Are there multiple species of humans?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 67 responses -
How is evolution measured?
Asked by Zyx | 24 responses -
Cold packs v. Heat packs for back and neck pain?
Asked by nebule | 17 responses