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What steps can one take to avoid cancer, and could most cancer patients have avoided the disease?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 23 responses -
Pretend I've just eaten 100grams of sugar... what's that going to do to me biologically?
Asked by nebule | 20 responses -
Why do we have sore spots/ points on our heads...
Asked by nebule | 26 responses -
How can artificial light be produced to give Vitamin D like the sun?
Asked by talljasperman | 10 responses -
What is the simplest organism that is said to have a brain?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 35 responses -
What triggers cell division?
Asked by LostInParadise | 10 responses -
How does hair curliness work?
Asked by Fyrius | 5 responses -
Can you spread the different herpes to different body parts?
Asked by Iclamae | 26 responses -
What is the current research or prominent theories on why we need sleep?
Asked by phoebusg | 10 responses -
I'm looking for an internship in Alaska...
Asked by lilikoi | 3 responses -
Can a grey eyed mother and a blue eyed father have a brown eyed son?
Asked by ArtiqueFox | 13 responses -
Are the Eustachian tubes the key to curing some types of Asthma?
Asked by Drgrafenbergmd | 14 responses -
Anyone here an expert in anatomy/muscles?
Asked by bhec10 | 11 responses -
Why don't scientists call the male seahorse a female seahorse, since the "male" seahorse has the baby seahorses?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 9 responses -
In birds (Parrots specifically), why does speech effect their eyes?
Asked by Axemusica | 8 responses -
How does someone get a genetic disorder?
Asked by Oxymoron | 10 responses -
Biologically, why does a large percentage of nature have symmetry?
Asked by jackm from iPhone | 14 responses -
Has anyone ever tried to transplant parts of the brain? Can it be done?
Asked by nebule | 16 responses -
What pressure and composition of atmosphere within a space ship is maintained during space travel?
Asked by dr34m3r | 7 responses -
How does taste work?
Asked by stump | 9 responses -
Do Anxiety and Panic Disorders (specifcally Depersonalization) have genetic roots to them?
Asked by VanCityKid | 30 responses -
What happens if the end of the world never occurs?
Asked by SeventhSense | 43 responses -
Why does celery make my tongue go slightly numb?
Asked by nebule | 12 responses -
Other than tour guide and forest ranger, what careers will put you in nature?
Asked by lilikoi | 26 responses -
What function does oil play in a whale's head?
Asked by lilikoi | 8 responses