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Is there a technical term for this particular physiological reaction? (please read details)
Asked by evelyns_pet_zebra | 10 responses -
Will the human species react on a fundamental biological level against world government because it is too dangerous for species survival?
Asked by walterallenhaxton | 27 responses -
At what point on or within the human body do you believe the greatest quantity of energy is distributed?
Asked by Nially_Bob | 20 responses -
Will evolution of human-beings continue endlessly?
Asked by bil | 26 responses -
Wouldn't it make more sense to be dark-skinned in cold climates and light-skinned in hot ones?
Asked by Izzard | 57 responses -
Why are rat thumbs atrophied ?
Asked by ycc2106 | 6 responses -
I am queen of Procrastination. How can i overcome it?
Asked by gymnastchick729 | 20 responses -
How can I detect the difference between biotic and abiotic compounds in a soil?
Asked by timothykinney | 8 responses -
How can Darwinism explain the reason of the existance of so many creatures for instance numerous types of birds?
Asked by bil | 8 responses -
Can a freshwater fish survive in the ocean?
Asked by efritz | 10 responses -
Asked by robmandu | 19 responsesmarijuanathe cannibis plant itself illegal? Or just the THC component? -
Did our ancestors lose their hair over their body much in the same way men these days lose hair on their heads ?
Asked by Myndecho | 7 responses -
The continuation of species. A flawed concept?
Asked by Saturated_Brain | 24 responses -
When it becomes possible to transplant every part of the human body,is it beyond the realms of possibility to keep a person/persons alive forever?
Asked by TROLL | 14 responses -
Why has my eyelid been twitching for the past 10 days, and how do I get it to stop?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 19 responses -
Why are some people under the impression there is scientific evidence against evolution?
Asked by mattbrowne | 71 responses -
How do I calculate residual renal function?
Asked by BCarlyle | 3 responses -
Why do we crave salt?
Asked by syz | 12 responses -
Do fools fall in love, as the song goes, or is it chemistry?
Asked by Zen | 14 responses -
Why are interracial children so attractive?
Asked by shockvalue | 24 responses -
What species, externally, do not symmetric, or nearly so, left and right sides?
Asked by Halliburton_Shill | 31 responses -
What oxygen in the water do fish use?
Asked by waterskier2007 from iPhone | 7 responses -
Are there any brown-eyed cats?
Asked by Allie | 18 responses -
Whats your opinion about the Gaia hypothesis?
Asked by oratio | 17 responses -
Need help identifying this beach find?
Asked by Dog | 33 responses