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I'm wondering why dairy products help eliminate the 'hot' of spicy foods?
Asked by iaresven | 9 responses -
Did you know you can actually make people fall in love with you?
Asked by nebule | 37 responses -
Does anyone know of any studies or experiments carried out regarding the relationship between art/music and the emotions?
Asked by nebule | 18 responses -
While you are breathing into the plastic bag, what happens to the levels of oxygen in the bag?
Asked by chrwil09 | 7 responses -
Help! How to make a DNA model?
Asked by elhaha1001 | 17 responses -
Does meat consumption cause the body or mind (or both) excessive stress?
Asked by nebule | 45 responses -
How do you feel about corporations owning genes within the human body?
Asked by shego | 27 responses -
Why do you think we eat to push our feelings down?
Asked by nebule | 30 responses -
Do you "adapt" to spicy food? And what biological explanation is there for this?
Asked by Ame_Evil | 11 responses -
Why do some people like to drink their tea REALLY hot?
Asked by TheOnlyException | 17 responses -
What animal's heart looks most like a human's?
Asked by Hobbes | 13 responses -
Why do we love?
Asked by TheOnlyException | 34 responses -
Why do a lot of asian people from Pakistan/India have interestingly coloured eyes?
Asked by TheOnlyException | 31 responses -
Most guys are attracted to Sexy girls but what's point if most cant have one?
Asked by joscketSeper | 47 responses -
What is the point of severe shaking when frightened or in shock?
Asked by nebule | 9 responses -
Does Robert Lanza's new book "Biocentrism", signal a new era of scientific affirmation for Intelligent Design and Life after Death?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 57 responses -
Do crabs get "The Bends" when harvested from the ocean floor?
Asked by talljasperman | 15 responses -
What's the best way to give my digestive system a rest?
Asked by nebule | 33 responses -
What is race?
Asked by La_Guerrera_Mas_Funki | 42 responses -
Did you know Dr. Jelly is immortal?
Asked by timtrueman | 25 responses -
Is taking biology, chemistry, and physics during my first year of college murder?
Asked by vanausdr | 31 responses -
How do we know we see the same colors?
Asked by SarasWhimsy | 15 responses -
UK Jelly Medics: Do they test urine samples for yeast growth?
Asked by nebule | 11 responses -
Has anyone taken physics in college who did not take it in high school?
Asked by vanausdr | 21 responses -
I need advice regarding my Final Year Project...
Asked by ModernEpicurian | 7 responses