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How can you eat a hard shell taco without it crumbling and spilling its guts out?
Asked by janbb | 45 responses -
For all you non-vegetarians out there, why is it good to eat some animals and not good to eat others?
Asked by Deelon_Pearson | 38 responses -
I'm desperately constipated... what can I do to poop?
Asked by ubersiren | 72 responses -
Why is there not a market for People Chow?
Asked by rojo | 29 responses -
Who or what is Chip?
Asked by DeanV | 59 responses -
Have you ever eaten one of those fancy, gourmet food dishes (you know, with the small portion and the design)?
Asked by Blackberry | 21 responses -
Do you think about your food before or while you eat it?
Asked by laineybug | 13 responses -
Can a store that sells items that are expired be sued?
Asked by CuriousLoner | 23 responses -
Do you have a problem with people licking their plates?
Asked by NaturallyMe | 59 responses -
How do they get nutritional facts for food and are they accurate or estimates?
Asked by simone54 | 1 response -
What was the origin of the word scratch when used in this sentence (details inside) ?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 3 responses -
What are some products that used to be good when they first came out, but over the years have lost their quality and are not that good anymore?
Asked by MRSHINYSHOES | 54 responses -
Does bacon have less fat and calories if you cook/burn it to a crisp?
Asked by tinyfaery | 16 responses -
Do you expect dessert after a meal?
Asked by JLeslie | 81 responses -
What's a holiday food that is traditional at your family gatherings but is definitely out of the ordinary?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 30 responses -
Why can't we provide everyone on the planet with air, water, food, shelter, and medicine?
Asked by Hobbes | 57 responses -
Have you lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off for at least five years?
Asked by tedibear | 33 responses -
Do you have a local name for an ubiquitous food?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 38 responses -
What is your favorite Thanksgiving Day dish?
Asked by chyna from iPhone | 106 responses -
What cooking experience has made you say "I'll never do that again"?
Asked by Jeruba | 20 responses -
Do pro-life vegetarians eat eggs?
Asked by squigish | 7 responses -
What are some ways to bring sustainable living into a typical suburban lifestyle?
Asked by Haleth | 16 responses -
Why does old chocolate whiten?
Asked by AstroChuck | 21 responses -
What are you or have been addicted to?
Asked by cage | 120 responses -
What is something you've learned to appreciate about a culture other than your own?
Asked by laureth | 30 responses