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Whats the best pizza place?
Asked by ninja_man | 30 responses -
Were you ever a guest at someone's house and just couldn't eat the food?
Asked by janbb | 28 responses -
Do spices have an expiration date? What about baking powder and soda?
Asked by sjg102379 | 9 responses -
Would you like to help me name my blog?
Asked by _Seek_ | 36 responses -
What is the "humane" way to eat a solid chocolate bunny?
Asked by janbb | 32 responses -
I'm thinking about switching and buying all organic products. Does it pay to buy organic?
Asked by Jude | 50 responses -
When donating canned food, what is a good item to donate?
Asked by Allie | 45 responses -
How long do you think you could survive being homeless?
Asked by Raine | 20 responses -
Don't you just love salad?
Asked by DigitalBlue | 43 responses -
Do women conspire in encouraging others to see them as sex objects?
Asked by wundayatta | 46 responses -
Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?
Asked by CMaz | 51 responses -
How can you tell when Durian fruit is rotten?
Asked by gondwanalon | 4 responses -
Please provide insight into this strange interaction with a waiter. I am absolutely baffled.
Asked by girlofscience | 62 responses -
If you are a vegetarian or vegan, why?
Asked by aeschylus | 60 responses -
What summertime fruits are you addicted to?
Asked by janbb | 24 responses -
How to eat with no appetite?
Asked by wildpotato from iPhone | 26 responses -
What foods would you miss most?
Asked by christine215 | 42 responses -
Why do ALL cats not spend ANY money (of their OWN) on the food they eat?
Asked by rebbel | 28 responses -
Your favorite sandwich, in honor of Bob.
Asked by jazmina88 | 47 responses -
Do you really know/understand where your food comes from?
Asked by lillycoyote | 26 responses -
Why do Hostess cupcakes, ding dongs, and ho hos not taste the same?
Asked by Allie | 8 responses -
What are some things that you are shocked to hear some people don't like?
Asked by J0E | 36 responses -
Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?
Asked by aisyna | 20 responses -
What are your favorite ways to cook tofu?
Asked by kenmc | 20 responses -
Do you photograph your food?
Asked by Bellatrix | 33 responses