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What have you learned about yourself in 2013?
Asked by janbb | 44 responses -
My grandpa has alzheimer's and its very bad. I wish he would die. Is it okay to feel that way?
Asked by buster | 26 responses -
What allows you to trust someone?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 22 responses -
Do you think it's possible to 'not be cut out' for monogamy?
Asked by thesparrow | 78 responses -
[NSFW] What does it feel like for guys to climax?
Asked by raspberry | 18 responses -
Why don't guys get romanced more?
Asked by Idknown | 58 responses -
Do you feel it is a woman's responsibility to lose weight to please her husband? (NSFW)
Asked by GoJessGo | 80 responses -
If I have been physically abusive towards my girlfriend is it possible for me to get help and it actually work?
Asked by Lady_Love | 34 responses -
What to do for the one for whom you are so totally overwhelmed by love? : )
Asked by CaptainHarley | 31 responses -
What are your ingredients? (See details)
Asked by AshLeigh | 25 responses -
Why do we live in a world where money is put before people?
Asked by rawrgrr | 58 responses -
Do you love easily or with great difficulty?
Asked by burntbonez | 21 responses -
Is it easier to develop a relationship online than in real life?
Asked by wundayatta | 56 responses -
When was the last time your heart melted?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 26 responses -
Why do guys hide their feelings?
Asked by IzzyAndHerBeans | 31 responses -
Do you think the Pope would be mad if I stole his hat?
Asked by AshLeigh from iPhone | 29 responses -
Do you ever get scared in relationships?
Asked by Jude | 22 responses -
What would you say to your 31-year-old daughter who sticks with a man who has abused her?
Asked by EmptyNest | 69 responses -
Is ignoring someone who hurt you the best offensive weapon?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 31 responses -
[NSFW] When you're being physically intimate with your S.O. do you notice their physical flaws?
Asked by tedibear | 48 responses -
How would you rate these in order of importance to you?
Asked by flutherother | 44 responses -
What physical thing (other than a person) do you know the best?
Asked by wundayatta | 35 responses -
Do you like being hugged?
Asked by longgone | 53 responses -
When is a black person racist?
Asked by josie | 33 responses -
Can being in a relationship make you happy?
Asked by Just_Justine | 50 responses