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Can we create the family we never had?
Asked by Shippy | 17 responses -
Ladies, why do you put your loose strands of hair on the shower wall?
Asked by Stormcrow | 61 responses -
Was sex more "sexy" when it was more subtle (Read details)
Asked by janbb | 35 responses -
What kind of a person is out of your league?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 62 responses -
What's the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy love relationship?
Asked by wundayatta | 20 responses -
Is there a word for this?
Asked by fundevogel | 18 responses -
One thing that you dig about the jelly above is ___?
Asked by Jude | 118 responses -
Are you now or have you ever had a secret crush on another flutherite?
Asked by sawyergirl | 83 responses -
If you could grant someone a wish, what three rules would you have?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 27 responses -
What does monogamy add to your relationships?
Asked by nikipedia | 72 responses -
What has Fluther done for you lately?
Asked by jonsblond | 68 responses -
How closely is sexual desire associated with love for you?
Asked by wundayatta | 45 responses -
Men, when you see an attractive women do you automatically think of sex?
Asked by chelle21689 | 44 responses -
What is your relationship with your parents like now?
Asked by wundayatta | 33 responses -
How can I stop using men and relationships to fill an empty part of me I don't know how to fill ?
Asked by partyrock from iPhone | 51 responses -
Who do you wish you were responsible for making up?
Asked by MacBean | 8 responses -
How do you tell your 5 year old son that his mother is never coming home?
Asked by Holden_Caulfield | 25 responses -
What do you love most about your day? Name one thing (and only one thing)
Asked by Jude | 57 responses -
Men, do you have a "Pedestal Girl?"?
Asked by TexasDude | 67 responses -
Is this romantic or creepy? Please tell me what you think about something I found today.
Asked by wilma | 64 responses -
What would you think if I sang out of tune?
Asked by Blondesjon | 46 responses -
Do I love my wife?
Asked by justdontknow | 40 responses -
Why do some people say "move on" as if it were the easiest thing to do?
Asked by Mikewlf337 | 28 responses -
Can I take this opportunity to say Hi?
Asked by MilkyWay | 63 responses -
What won't Meat Loaf do for love if he says he will do everything for love but he won't do that ? What is "that"?
Asked by seVen from iPhone | 27 responses