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If you could only choose one person to have in your life forever, who would it be?
Asked by chels | 75 responses -
How do you deal with the death of a friend?
Asked by AshLeigh | 33 responses -
How do i learn how to have a healthy relationship when I dont know what that even is?
Asked by youcancallmemoonman | 8 responses -
What is emotional intelligence? How emotionally intelligent are you?
Asked by zookeeny | 42 responses -
I used to be an escort, how can I tell my boyfriend this? I'm not escorting anymore.
Asked by needadvice | 58 responses -
What is so (romantically) appealing about "crazy" women?
Asked by icepebbles | 48 responses -
How much do you actually love your fellow jellies?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 74 responses -
Have you ever been in love with someone you know you can't have?
Asked by CupcakesandTea | 31 responses -
Why do you have faith in religion and god(s)?
Asked by RandomMrdan | 99 responses -
Do you, like me, feel as though jellies are like family?
Asked by Jude | 76 responses -
Can I just say Thank you?
Asked by nebule | 14 responses -
What is your best internet horror date story?
Asked by Shippy | 11 responses -
I can and will accept...
Asked by blueiiznh | 30 responses -
When the weight of the world seems heavy on your shoulders, where do you go to lift those pressures up and send them away?
Asked by SherlockPoems | 112 responses -
NSFW. Is the female population unwittingly modeling themselves on the blow up doll?
Asked by Just_Justine | 49 responses -
Is there something you think about every night before going to sleep?
Asked by sophiesword | 33 responses -
How much do you love getting a "Great Answer"?
Asked by CherrySempai | 38 responses -
What did you do in order to start the year 2010 on the right foot?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 37 responses -
Do you have to offer that which you want in others?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 41 responses -
Do you ever feel like you want a hug all of a sudden?
Asked by MilkyWay | 42 responses -
What would you like to say to greeting card companies?
Asked by Jeruba | 33 responses -
Should I discuss my feelings with my spouse before going to therapy?
Asked by Hatchling | 45 responses -
What would you do if a friend asked you to marry their spouse (details inside)?
Asked by LadyMarissa | 40 responses -
(NSFW) When's the last time you got some?
Asked by Berserker | 99 responses -
My cat was hit by a car today and I'm truely devistated. What should I do?
Asked by 15barcam | 13 responses