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How would you react to James' Automatic Sweetheart?
Asked by TitsMcGhee | 33 responses -
What do you need to let go of in 2016?
Asked by janbb | 18 responses -
Is "Does he like me" really such a dumb question?
Asked by janbb | 24 responses -
If you could live in a place that was always warm, in a pristine wilderness abundant in food and fresh water, with all the people you love but with no possessions, would you?
Asked by Hobbes | 79 responses -
What would it be like in a world where a person’s emotional and social worth could be accurately measured?
Asked by wundayatta | 26 responses -
Have you ever experienced a "Lean On Me" moment?
Asked by Strauss | 20 responses -
If I was homeless and I asked you for some food would you give it to me or just ignore me?
Asked by sundayBastard | 118 responses -
I like all 25 of America's most hated foods. Which ones are on your "no buy" list?
Asked by ETpro | 193 responses -
Is "Why do you love me?" a legitimate question to ask your partner?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 45 responses -
Adult children: How often do you call/talk to your parents?
Asked by jonsblond | 53 responses -
Do you think it would be boring dating someone like you?
Asked by chelle21689 | 38 responses -
I'm so stuck. What do I do about helping myself emotionally?
Asked by aprilsimnel | 31 responses -
Those of you who have been married or steady for a long time, what is your secret to your long, happy relationship?
Asked by Tenpinmaster | 53 responses -
I find this odd. Have you ever been in a situation where you're crying, you're partner tries to comfort you, -- you then turn to them and.. a kiss (a passionate one), which could be followed by full out making out/sex. Emotions are running high?
Asked by Jude | 35 responses -
How do you experience "true" intimacy in your life?
Asked by wundayatta | 16 responses -
Should you stay in a relationship if you are great friends and very compatible with your mate and love them, but there is no physical chemistry?
Asked by sprstar | 56 responses -
Liking somebody with who you have nothing really in common...
Asked by Starson | 29 responses -
What are some good bedtime stories for reading aloud?
Asked by arnbev959 | 24 responses -
What are some things that you love?
Asked by Pachy | 47 responses -
Music-wise, it's a Pink Floyd kinda day for me. What is it for you?
Asked by Jude | 46 responses -
How does your life compare to 2010?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 9 responses -
How do you regain trust in someone you love and loves you?
Asked by brokenhearted | 26 responses -
How can I stop myself from constantly crying over not having/never having a boyfriend at age 21?
Asked by euipo | 11 responses -
How do you learn to trust someone?
Asked by BeccaBoo | 22 responses -
Do you think an emotionally-abused person is going to be a good parent?
Asked by 01101101 | 21 responses