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Is restaurant steamed rice good for you?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 34 responses -
What is the nutritional value of snake skin, locust husks and other foodstuffs?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 3 responses -
Do you have any experiences with low-carb or low-fat diets?
Asked by Sanger | 7 responses -
Is low carb diet the best diet for cognitive function?
Asked by Sanger | 10 responses -
What are some of your favorite healthy smoothie combinations?
Asked by rockfan from iPhone | 8 responses -
What foods make you feel warm?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 11 responses -
Is there a baking ingredient we should not put on a bleeding cut?
Asked by flo | 20 responses -
Is the only thing to do with eggs avoid eating it raw in order to avoid salmonella?
Asked by flo | 13 responses -
What is the most valuable thing you've learned about diet?
Asked by lucillelucillelucille | 14 responses -
What is the medical condition that requires eating "non-irritating" food? See deatil.
Asked by flo | 16 responses -
What would be a filling meal for someone who doesn't have a lot of money?
Asked by Yellowdog | 41 responses -
What is the difference between a Dietician, and a Nutritionalist?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 10 responses -
How to make healthy food tasty and fun especially for children?
Asked by flo | 8 responses -
In an emergency , when SHTF, how long could you eat even your favorite food before getting sick of the food?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 17 responses -
Why is the Paleo diet controversial? See detail.
Asked by flo | 11 responses -
Pro-carnivorism versus anti-carnivorism, or is it pro-vegetarianism versus anti-vegetarianism?
Asked by flo | 14 responses -
Is it better or worse to take Metamucil with food?
Asked by flo | 4 responses -
What is the umbrella term for baking , cooking, etc.?
Asked by flo | 30 responses -
What are the good things in cooking (not baking) baking soda can do?
Asked by flo | 6 responses -
Why does the garlic peeling method work when the chef is doing it? See detail.
Asked by flo | 4 responses -
Are plants vegan?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 8 responses -
If your sense of smell is out of order, and the food doesn't look bad, is there a test of finding out if it's bad?
Asked by flo | 17 responses -
Other than donuts and french fries, what are the top 20 or more worst food items for your health?
Asked by flo | 28 responses -
What does it mean to be named a Carol K. Pforzheimer Professor?
Asked by flo | 4 responses -
What do you eat when it hurts to swallow?
Asked by longgone | 31 responses