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The newest health care prop requires a "high tech" I.D. card. Did I get that right?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 28 responses -
How do you feel about FBI undercover operations on Facebook, LinkedIn and the like?
Asked by ArtiqueFox | 29 responses -
What do you think of the German Supreme Court's decision to declare the 2008 data retention law unconstitutional?
Asked by ragingloli | 4 responses -
Are there things you'd share with a teacher that you'd never tell your own parents?
Asked by squidcake | 9 responses -
Why is privacy important?
Asked by LostInParadise | 51 responses -
How important is privacy on the Internet to you and how would you interpret privacy?
Asked by jazzjeppe | 25 responses -
Should a school district be able to monitor students via remote access to laptops?
Asked by LunaChick | 28 responses -
Are you getting the privacy you require?
Asked by wundayatta | 17 responses -
Parent I'm babysitting for wants a copy of my ID?
Asked by stemnyjones | 19 responses -
Do facebook applications go against their privacy policy?
Asked by lostinyoureyes | 5 responses -
How are the rich & famous able to communicate and keep their privacy ?
Asked by Pretty_Lilly | 10 responses -
How much liberty are you willing to give up?
Asked by Dr_Dredd | 33 responses -
Is my computer's IP Address traceable to my location?
Asked by jctennis123 | 18 responses -
Now what do you think of whole-body scanners in airports?
Asked by Dr_Dredd | 106 responses -
What's your dirty little secret, food?
Asked by dindinbaby | 34 responses -
Can fluther questions be googled?
Asked by mowens | 17 responses -
Why do people use pictures that aren't themselves for their avatars?
Asked by elizabethmae | 109 responses -
In the new decade is complete transparency an expected offering to prove fidelity?
Asked by Dog | 32 responses -
How do I get rid of these notifications on my Facebook profile?
Asked by jlm11f | 3 responses -
Where do flutherites go to ask dumb, or at least silly, questions?
Asked by Civic_Cat | 22 responses -
How private is your family about nudity?
Asked by le_inferno | 56 responses -
What Do You Think of the Infragard-FBI relationship ?
Asked by HighShaman | 11 responses -
How to improve my feelings after someone broke into my house last night?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 24 responses -
How do you feel about the possibility of your Facebook and MySpace posts being used to deny you insurance benefits?
Asked by Zuma | 7 responses -
If you were going to go fool around with a boy but couldn't go to either of your places, where would you go?
Asked by delirium | 30 responses