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Is it kind of expected between couples that they share access to one another's e-mail, facebook, whatever accounts?
Asked by hungryhungryhortence | 32 responses -
For those who are gay or lesbian, are you "out" at work?
Asked by Jude | 44 responses -
How do you decide to make a fluther personal message, private or public?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 27 responses -
What is the danger in posting pictures online?
Asked by casheroo | 24 responses -
How much could someone learn about you from an online profile and google searching?
Asked by phoenyx | 30 responses -
What does a network admin see when you use Google Reader?
Asked by metadog | 2 responses -
Do people in your real life know about Fluther?
Asked by aviona | 36 responses -
Fast growing vine for zone 5?
Asked by jonsblond from iPhone | 6 responses -
Is anyone else alarmed that when you google your Fluther screen name, your profile page shows up?
Asked by AlfredaPrufrock | 34 responses -
What do the you think about the social media and their privacy? Are you consequent that everything is on the net and anyone can see/use it?
Asked by thetalkingwall | 2 responses -
Should someone be "outed" against their will?
Asked by Ruki | 23 responses -
Should a spouse be allowed to read your journal? Read details?
Asked by casheroo | 27 responses -
Would you be able to work at the same company with your parent/child? If so, could you bear to watch people flirt and make passes at them?
Asked by VzzBzz | 28 responses -
What is the Republican opinion on privacy?
Asked by intro24 | 18 responses -
At my apartment I have a small balcony. At the one end of it, I would like something there to give me a bit of privacy. Any suggestions?
Asked by Jude | 12 responses -
Could I have pressed charges against my gym teacher in high school?
Asked by girlofscience | 42 responses -
What happens to medical files when you die?
Asked by kelly | 4 responses -
Can Moderators see who gives lurve and when?
Asked by trumi | 45 responses -
What do you think of the new Facebook Terms Of Service?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 27 responses -
Is paypal safe?
Asked by 2060 | 5 responses -
A documentary I watched, called "America: Freedom to Fascism", mentioned an eventual plan for a national ID card. Thoughts on this from the collective?
Asked by Bluefreedom | 11 responses -
Is there a way to add PGP to one's pc software?
Asked by Anatelostaxus | 2 responses -
How would a college check a facebook account?
Asked by warpling | 4 responses -
The 'how to delete' brings up another question I have...
Asked by jbfletcherfan | 4 responses -
Wire taping and spying question?
Asked by LKidKyle1985 | 3 responses