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Do you have a spot you go to when you need to be alone but want to get out of the house?
Asked by RocketSquid | 16 responses -
For those of you that like to keep your family life separate from your internet life, how do you do it?
Asked by jonsblond | 52 responses -
Does the good that fluther provides for many of us have a hidden cost?
Asked by wundayatta | 19 responses -
Do people, in general, have too much information about themselves online?
Asked by gymnastchick729 | 8 responses -
Would you be upset if your SO went through your cell phone texts and calls, and checked through your emails?
Asked by Val123 | 94 responses -
Do you consider fluther confidential?
Asked by JLeslie | 67 responses -
If you were to seek advice on a personal matter, who would you turn to?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 18 responses -
How much could someone learn about your personal life from your questions and answers on Fluther?
Asked by Haleth | 31 responses -
What do you think is the likelihood that eventually there will be accessible means to discern your true identity from your online, anonymized one?
Asked by mirifique | 10 responses -
Why is everyone so concerned with privacy on fluther?
Asked by nmac | 14 responses -
Do you think we are being ruled?
Asked by F1 | 21 responses -
On Facebook, what happens when I uncheck "publish to stream" permissions for an application?
Asked by chaosrob | 4 responses -
Do the mods, or the founders, see our (private) comments?
Asked by NewZen | 27 responses -
How far does privacy and journaling extend?
Asked by PandoraBoxx | 9 responses -
Do you or does anyone you know have a sexual fetish?
Asked by jca | 68 responses -
How much of your private life do you reveal to your coworkers and what do you keep secret?
Asked by JollyTiger | 8 responses -
If you have a significant other, do you have a private life?
Asked by wundayatta | 34 responses -
How do I erase my masturbation-discovery nightmare?
Asked by ruanua | 11 responses -
How did intimate functions come to be considered intimate?
Asked by wundayatta | 18 responses -
What would you say if your SO wanted passwords to access all your communications?
Asked by wundayatta | 81 responses -
Hypothetical: I post my telephone number on Fluther. What happens?
Asked by peedub | 31 responses -
What complications will arise from personal on-line data storage in the near future?
Asked by erichw1504 | 10 responses -
Would you put it all out there?
Asked by Facade | 25 responses -
Just why is it that parents always have to invade the life of their children?
Asked by banzu | 26 responses -
What if this were a law: if you caused an accident, police automatically get access to your cell phone records.
Asked by phoenyx | 24 responses