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Are eggs considered meat? What about blood sausage?
Asked by sweetsweetstephy | 21 responses -
Is total global vegetarianism a realistic idea?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 30 responses -
Does freezing meat adversely affect the taste?
Asked by 2davidc8 | 12 responses -
Should we eat unicorn meat?
Asked by ETpro | 20 responses -
What do you think of eating meat?
Asked by fremen_warrior | 75 responses -
Would you eat meatballs that were left out overnight?
Asked by Cupcake | 35 responses -
Why is the inside of a coconut called meat?
Asked by fluthernutter from iPhone | 16 responses -
Would cows survive if humans didn't eat them?
Asked by ETpro | 51 responses -
Will the most recent study showing that red meat is bad for your health influence your eating habits?
Asked by nikipedia | 52 responses -
Why does turkey breast get hard after you microwave it a couple times?
Asked by lanahopple | 9 responses -
Will you eat a test tube hamburger once it's available?
Asked by SpatzieLover | 28 responses -
Are Subways meats all processed?
Asked by auhsojsa | 10 responses -
What is the name of this part of a cut of beef. (Details inside)
Asked by talljasperman | 7 responses -
What do you feel weighs heavier: animal rights or religious rituals/customs?
Asked by rebbel | 16 responses -
Cannibalism with consent; an offence?
Asked by rebbel | 24 responses -
Is it safe to refreeze meat?
Asked by EmptyNest | 7 responses -
A dish called Fluther, what would the recipe be?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 23 responses -
I bought a chefs knife today; knives excite me and frighten me. What excites and frightens you at the same time?
Asked by rebbel | 43 responses -
How can I convert my charcoal grill into a smoker?
Asked by jaketheripper | 4 responses -
Do you do your best to eat local?
Asked by Jude | 25 responses -
Trying to replicate my grandma's meatballs... how do I make them softer?
Asked by poofandmook | 19 responses -
What's the best philly cheesesteak in Philadelphia?
Asked by seekingwolf | 29 responses -
Why do animals that we eat get a special name?
Asked by josie | 30 responses -
Would you eat meat cultivated in a laboratory?
Asked by flutherother | 30 responses -
What's your favorite cut of meat?
Asked by King_Pariah | 19 responses