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What does a low temperature mean?
Asked by omfgTALIjustIMDu | 16 responses -
An exercise or stetching CD?
Asked by finkelitis | 2 responses -
Why are my sinuses worse outside of LA?
Asked by andrew | 3 responses -
How is 2nd hand smoke more deadly than 1st hand?
Asked by xgunther from iPhone | 8 responses -
What is the best daily dose of iodine?
Asked by kwil | 2 responses -
Why does your face get red when you are nervous and why do some people's faces get redder than others?
Asked by katielady | 3 responses -
What usually causes the hiccups?
Asked by Jish from iPhone | 4 responses -
Is there any correlation between getting dry socket after dental surgery, and a woman's hormonal cycle?
Asked by sfgal | 3 responses -
Why does my urine sometimes smell like Cheerios?
Asked by soethe6 | 18 responses -
How much should one expect to pay to have a kitten declawed?
Asked by alabare | 26 responses -
Benadryl as sleeping pill? Safe?
Asked by Perchik | 11 responses -
What is the answer to belly fat?
Asked by joli | 10 responses -
What's worse: Giving birth, or getting kicked in the balls?
Asked by mirza | 75 responses -
Why does my sweat Smell like Chlorine?
Asked by peoplefood | 5 responses -
Is anyone using steroids on there dog?
Asked by Hawaiiguy from iPhone | 2 responses -
What's the best way to enhance breasts without surgery?
Asked by xm1981 | 18 responses -
Does juice lose its nutritional content as it gets less fresh?
Asked by occ | 7 responses -
Wart removal tips?
Asked by hannahsugs | 14 responses -
What is the best and quickest way to get over a summer cold?
Asked by mzgator from iPhone | 8 responses -
What's the best time to take your blood pressure?
Asked by leftspin from iPhone | 12 responses -
What alternative grains should I be eating, and does anyone have good recipes for them?
Asked by occ | 18 responses -
Pec exercises without weights?
Asked by xgunther from iPhone | 9 responses -
What's biting me?
Asked by zina | 8 responses -
Where can I get a massage in San Francisco?
Asked by dianalauren | 5 responses -
What makes eyelids twitch?
Asked by nebrow | 11 responses