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Are you allowed to eat yogurt when you are pregnant? What about other dairy items?
Asked by Supergirl | 6 responses -
I am in market for a used road bike...
Asked by iomar from iPhone | 5 responses -
How painful are tooth implants over the long run?
Asked by wolfgan9 from iPhone | 7 responses -
What kinds of dairy/cheese have the most/least amounts of lactose?
Asked by sfgal | 16 responses -
What's a good meal after you've been eating crap?
Asked by andrew | 25 responses -
What does it mean when you throw up blood?
Asked by NYChris from iPhone | 23 responses -
How does Echinichea work?
Asked by AndrewParker | 4 responses -
Good resources/articles to learn more about universal health care?
Asked by occ | 6 responses -
Why does eating spinach make my teeth feel dry and scratchy?
Asked by ben | 30 responses -
What's a great, afforable, clean gym in Brooklyn?
Asked by Curiouser | 2 responses -
Will cycling get rid of my gut?
Asked by tristan421 from iPhone | 8 responses -
Natural Mosquito Repellent?
Asked by xgunther from iPhone | 11 responses -
Why does Nicorette gum give me hiccups?
Asked by xgunther from iPhone | 7 responses -
What's up with burnt-smelling farts?
Asked by zina | 3 responses -
Which is better: Nicotine path or gum?
Asked by xgunther from iPhone | 7 responses -
Can aspartame cause headaches?
Asked by xgunther from iPhone | 10 responses -
Does Diet Coke hydrate?
Asked by xgunther from iPhone | 7 responses -
Natural pinkish looks......?
Asked by Roohee | 3 responses -
Can a heartrate quickly and dramatically change during surgery?
Asked by andrew | 4 responses -
How do I get rid of my beer belly?
Asked by davidhimself | 23 responses -
Is there any proven negative health effects to energy drinks besides mixing with alcohol?
Asked by acroterra | 4 responses -
Anyone know anything about Kombucha? Is it bad if you drink too much of it?
Asked by jaustrian | 6 responses -
How do you prevent hangnails?
Asked by lidude25 | 7 responses -
Better to floss before or after you brush?
Asked by girlfriday | 15 responses -
Why do my lungs ache after I carry my backpack?
Asked by LotusEater83 | 5 responses