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Simple, inexpensive exercise equipment?
Asked by andrew | 16 responses -
For a massage therapist, what's the difference between CMT and LMT?
Asked by occ | 1 response -
How many advil can I take in 1 hour?
Asked by P-Rud | 15 responses -
Is plastic really bad for your health?
Asked by sarahsugs | 28 responses -
Which healthy oil?
Asked by Modern_Classic | 15 responses -
why does garlic make me sleepy?
Asked by moon_under_water | 6 responses -
How many Native American (American Indian) physicians are there in California?
Asked by adriane | 9 responses -
what is the difference tai chi and qin gong?
Asked by lesliejo | 5 responses -
Can you recommend a dermatologist in San Francisco?
Asked by occ | 4 responses -
Does drinking red grapejuice give the same health benefits as red wine?
Asked by lesliejo | 7 responses -
how do you keep the pollution in ocean water from contaminating sea salt?
Asked by lesliejo | 3 responses -
what is the difference between tamari and soy sauce?
Asked by lesliejo | 8 responses -
Know of any anti-aphrodisiacs?
Asked by tyson | 17 responses -
Does "partially hydrogenated" mean trans fat?
Asked by JCS | 10 responses -
Do water bags like Platypus or Camelbak leach the same things into water that Nalgenes do?
Asked by darwinsbulldog | 7 responses -
Do Aveda products have parabins or petrochemicals in them?
Asked by lilakess | 13 responses -
Water bottles: plastic, glass, stainless steel, or ...?
Asked by zina | 28 responses -
Does anyone know a better hangover cure than just water and advil?
Asked by lily | 18 responses -
Apple a Day - true or false?
Asked by Evan | 14 responses -
How many apple skins are too many? Could it be dangerous?
Asked by ben | 8 responses -
How do I get something out of my eye?
Asked by ben | 33 responses -
What is the best non-drug way to reduce cholesterol?
Asked by Irenema | 16 responses -
How can I get rid of a cold really fast?
Asked by skfinkel | 26 responses -
Why do so many psychiatric medication names begin with the letter 'c' or 'k'?
Asked by Flavio | 11 responses -
how can you find a really good dentist in a new city?
Asked by skfinkel | 10 responses