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Can I substitute coconut milk for regular milk in my baking?
Asked by twothecat | 14 responses -
Do you have any tips to keep yourself from Eating Out or any quick recipes?
Asked by RedPowerLady | 30 responses -
How do you know which cheese rinds are edible?
Asked by SamIAm | 15 responses -
I feel like no matter what I do, my garbage is always stinky. How do you keep your garbage from reeking?
Asked by SamIAm | 28 responses -
What types of sweet treats can you make with basic kitchen ingredients?
Asked by KateTheGreat | 19 responses -
Anyone have a tried and tested recipe for cauliflower soup?
Asked by longgone | 16 responses -
Got any recipe ideas for cooked chicken and green beans?
Asked by marinelife | 7 responses -
What is it, specifically, about a certain type of mayonnaise that makes you prefer it over another brand?
Asked by kritiper | 57 responses -
Which brand of air fryer would you recommend?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 9 responses -
From rare to well done, which would be the best way to cook a piece of dog meat?
Asked by ragingloli | 16 responses -
I've been asked by friends visiting if Outback Steakhouse is good...have you been, what's good/bad about going there?
Asked by hashembajwa | 44 responses -
Is eating more than two eggs a day bad for your health?
Asked by bhec10 | 15 responses -
Baking with whole wheat flour--what is the difference?
Asked by MissAusten | 16 responses -
How do you properly cook potatoes to make mashed potatoes?
Asked by poofandmook | 37 responses -
How would you prepare this?
Asked by joni1977 | 9 responses -
Why don't we cook with tea?
Asked by 6rant6 | 19 responses -
The glass lid to our large stock pot just exploded - literally. Any theories as to how or why?
Asked by hearkat | 13 responses -
Polenta: I want to know your personal stories and recipes?
Asked by ibstubro | 9 responses -
What is your trick or cheat to make poached eggs without them exploding?
Asked by ragingloli | 12 responses -
When you boil water for pasta, why do the directions call for adding salt to the water?
Asked by 2davidc8 | 16 responses -
What are the qualities of an excellent slice of cake?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 34 responses -
What's your 2016 gardening plan?
Asked by jaytkay | 11 responses -
Reheating coffee seems to be frowned upon by experts, what about keeping it warm from the start with a hot plate or one of the new electric mugs?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 40 responses -
Are there any foods that might be considered gourmet or "fancy" that you've learned how to cook at home, and have discovered that they're really not all that difficult to prepare?
Asked by jca2 | 9 responses -
How can we eat baby corn cobs, and not corn on the cob?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 6 responses