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What is the purpose of a paring knife with a blade that curves in?
Asked by bobbinhood | 10 responses -
Are there ice cube trays that make thin or partially frozen ice cubes?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 12 responses -
What goes with carrot ginger soup, or what else could I do with all these carrots?
Asked by nikipedia | 11 responses -
Would you care to provide me with some delicious risotto recipes?
Asked by Aethelflaed | 6 responses -
Have you ever found a great new recipe almost by accident?
Asked by marinelife | 13 responses -
What causes chicken to feel rubbery?
Asked by valdasta | 16 responses -
How to prepare hazel nuts?
Asked by Vincentt | 5 responses -
Good recipe for beef goulash?
Asked by AshlynM | 8 responses -
What's your method for roasting peppers?
Asked by Aethelflaed | 11 responses -
What is your secret to great mac & cheese?
Asked by marinelife | 32 responses -
How to use seaweed in cooking?
Asked by AshlynM | 2 responses -
Is it bad to eat microwaved food often?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 22 responses -
How did they get these poached eggs to look like this?
Asked by Aethelflaed | 15 responses -
What's the difference between a flan & a tart?
Asked by Paul | 11 responses -
Can you use bay leaves a second time?
Asked by Sunny2 | 5 responses -
How to use seasonings properly on food when cooking?
Asked by AshlynM | 12 responses -
Stupid baking question: can I use a springform pan for a regular cake?
Asked by Seelix | 16 responses -
Vitamix blender - is it worth ten times the price?
Asked by jaytkay | 6 responses -
Has anyone ever roasted pork in lard?
Asked by marinelife | 4 responses -
What are your favorite recipes to make with a food processor?
Asked by SamIAm | 15 responses -
Cooking with cast iron and a campfire grill (A primer).
Asked by TexasDude | 19 responses -
Can you recommend some good spinach recipes?
Asked by fundevogel | 9 responses -
Does all purpose flour "go bad"?
Asked by josie | 24 responses -
How should I store this bread I baked?
Asked by TexasDude | 19 responses -
Why bake with butter?
Asked by La_chica_gomela | 34 responses